Department of Anesthesia
Dr. Zaheer Haider – Associate Professor (HOD)
To equip the department with the deficient equipment e.g,
- A. Fiberoptic bronchoscope
- B. Mackoy laryngoscope
- C. Monitors with A line, EtC02Â
- D. Temperature probeÂ
- E. Ultrasound machine for nerve blocks etc.
It has to be completed stepwise as the number of cases increase.
To establish surgical ICU to cater sick patients undergoing surgery.
Get the department recognized for FCPS training when the faculty is appropriate.
- Main activity of the department is administration of anesthesia for the patients of General surgery, Gynae and Obs and occasionally ophthalmology patients.
- Pre-op assessment each patient who is on list is properly assessed usually one day before surgery and optimized if required.
- After surgery , patient is monitored in post op area and shifted to ward and the patient is stable hemodynamically and fully aware.
- House officers are being trained through lectures and demonstrations. Each house officer is also being trained with the basic skills of anesthesia under direct supervision.
- Supervisory skills by WHO and CPSP Lahore 2018.
- Research methodology, Biostatistics, Medical writing CPSP Lahore 2018.
- Educational planning and evaluation CPSP Lahore Nov 2018.
- Assessment of competence 2020.Â