Prof. Dr. Fouzia Farzana (Dean of Basic Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Nargis Ashraf (HOD)
Anatomy department is one of the basic sciences departments. MBBS students spend first two years medical education in this department. These are pre-clinical years.
We teach gross anatomy, General Anatomy, Microscopic Anatomy (Histology)and developmental anatomy (embryology) to first year and 2nd year MBBS students according to UHS curriculum.
For Gross anatomy we go region wise (Regional anatomy). In first year MBBS upper limb, lower limb and thorax is studied along with general anatomy. In 2nd year we teach abdomen and pelvis, head and neck and brain.
In embryology and histology general embryology and histology is taught in first year. Systemic embryology and histology are studied in 2nd year.
Our faculty is highly trained and experienced and use latest technology and tools to take in campus and online classes.
Anatomy department has large dissection hall equipped with dissection tables, dissecting instruments and charts. There is attached Mortuary room with mortuary plant and museum. Students learn anatomy by dissecting cadaver and also study on models available in large number in anatomy museum.
During covid 19 lockdown period classes are taken on zoom and Google classroom. Videos are also prepared by teachers and uploaded on YouTube.
For Histology we have a capacious histology lab equipped with binocular microscopes, multi head microscope, projection microscope with CCTV and large number of histology slides. Embryology is also taught with the help of embryology models and videos by senior teachers.
Student’s learning is assessed through written (MCQ, SEQs) and oral examination During Covid Period we have arrangements for online assessment.
- To produce students with appropriate knowledge of organization and development of body system and apply the knowledge of anatomy in different clinical situations.
- Demonstrate the attitude of a good team member and student not only inside but also outside the institute.
- Make the students able to community properly with. Peers, mentors and other people in community.
- Practice effective methods of self reflection on the nature quality and impact of instructional activites for learning.
- To offer educational apportunities and convey emerging scientific knowledge to the students that contributes to improve personal development and professional fulfillment.
- Acadmemic activities of Anatomy DepartmentÂ
- At the start of every session we prepare time table, yearly planners, schedule & Register for attendance &test record.
- In Anatomy department we are involved in dissection of cadaver also use models to teach students through interactive teaching.
- Demonstration, self study and peer assisted learning methods are used.
- For Histology practicals , Microscopes are used, as well as, projection microscope to demonstrate microscopic structure of tissues.
- We arrange question answer session and give MCQS to students for in class learning and assessment.
- Interactive lectures are taken on multimedia. However, in Covid times we are using zoom, google class room for the purpose.
- we discuss new strategies to make online classes effective.
- We keep updating new MCQS pool for substages and stages and test.